Looking For A Mechanic In Michigan

Michigan as you may know is the automotive state; it all began with the creation of Henry Ford’s Model T. With the small group of men Ford created on of the greatest economical shifts since the industrial age. Ford Motors to this day operates Headquarters in Wayne Michigan, alone a testament to the industry. Not to mention General Motors with Headquarters in Flint and lest not forget Detroit Muscle, DaimelerChrysler. Michigan is home to a vast array of automotive industry leaders and houses many headquarters. 93 of 150 automotive suppliers to North America are housed here, with over 1000 independent tool and dye manufacturers that supply OEM parts. Some of the world’s top Original Equipment suppliers have facilities in Michigan, Along with the U.S. Manufacturers several foreign, Mitsubishi, Toyota and Honda just to mention a few. An estimated 150,000 individuals are employed in automotive manufacturing, 65,000 in Research and Development, and approx. 30,000 in administrative positions ranking Michigan 4th in the nation for high tech employment. Home to 16 assembly plants, 21% of all vehicles produced in the U.S. were made in Michigan. Although there was great recession and many auto makers were on the brink of foreclosure the Big Three (GM, Ford and Chrysler) spent an estimated $10B (Ten Billion USD) on improving and building new facilities, with approx. the same amount spent by 240 R&D; companies.

Now with Mechlance the automotive ere expands in Michigan, helping you with all your automotive questions and concerns from DIY bulletins to locating trustworthy automotive service. Offering advice and assistance locating new or used vehicles as well as guiding you on what to look for.

With thousands of repair facilities state wide there is a wide range of services offered in a multitude of formats from big box chains to mom and pop operations here are some of the prestigious independent locations ….

Offering a wide range of services Carney’s Complete Auto can assist you in any needs you may have specializing in foreign and domestic, offering reasonable solutions with quality service.

Carneys Complete Auto Services

123 W Main St
(517) 851-8419

Stockbridge collision provides all solutions to your auto body needs from paint less dent removal, collision, respray, and insurance estimates.

Stockbridge collision Inc.
5122 S M 106
(517) 851-8282